Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Part 2

This year we were awakened earlier than usual {7:15} by an extremely excited 7 y/o who, without warning, ripped the covers off her younger sister to get the Easter morning festivities started!!

We are not animal lovers {BUT we do not hate them....they're just not for us!!}.....ok it's Jon & I, not the girls & we just are not fond of animals living in our home. Nor do we feel it's fair to take on a dog or cat when it seems we're too busy to give them the attention they deserve. Then several months ago Emery was diagnosed with cat/dog allergies & the Dr said NO cats/dogs as pets! THANK YOU ALLERGY DR!!! But they are really really in love with animals {especially the oldest} so we thought birds would be a 2nd runner up to a cat/dog! It proved to be true!! They were ecstatic when they walked into their playroom!! One for each of them.....they sat for a few minutes gazing at these beauties!
Meet Ruben {we don't know where that name came from??} which is Emery's bird & Twitter {thanks Jon for the idea that Facebook & Twitter would be good bird names} which is Kayden's bird!
And just like that they were off to hunt the rest of their treasures.....so FAST that I couldn't even capture them on camera.....just blurs of them!
We try to keep gifts practical.....things we would buy them anyways
Rain Boots
Play-Dough which was quickly molded into birds
And then I really tried to keep the "candy" part All Natural, maybe a bit more expensive but sooo much easier for this momma to say YES to an All Natural Fruit Bar at 7:26 am.....or any time of day for that matter! They were quite pleased too!
Jon & I had a spur of the moment late night crafting date after all kids were in bed.....so romantic we are!! But really it's those kinds of hours spent together that I love the most! He loves art stuff & so together we whipped up these cute pails which were a hit with the girls!
Fun part about the pails is that they are not just for Easter.....they will now be transformed into veggie/fruit pails for the market, nature treasure holders, marker/pencil/crayon holders.....oooooo & so much more!
The girls & I made a simple breakfast & from that point on there was a BUNCH of laziness that took place! Laziness that rarely occurs in this household of ours. We didn't do a thing & we LOVED it....all 4 of us!! Jon & I decided we probably hadn't had that lazy of a day since pre-kids! So lazy that the day seemed to go on forever. THOSE my friends are GOOD GOOD DAYS!!
Then the laziness came to a screeching halt as we headed to Gran & Papa's
For Easter baskets with SUPER CUTE LOOFAH'S
Unexpected loving
{my girls typically play well with each other but aren't necessarily lovey with each other}
{ummmmm & while were at it what fashion designer decided this bikini was 7 y/o appropriate??!!......note to self: when gran takes babes bathing suit shopping there will be stipulations!}
Egg Hunting
Momma and
Gran Lovin'
& Easter bunny cake eatin'!
We had a beautiful weekend......filled with family time & Jesus time & relaxing time & fun time which made for 4 very happy Hughes peeps {no pun intended. i promise.}

Easter part 1

Easter for us starts on Saturday {Sabbath} because this is our church day. For several years now we've gone to an interactive "walk thru" of the last days of Jesus' life {Sonrise} at Southern Adventist University. Even though we've gone many many years in a row it never gets old......it hits home with me EVERY year! This year I purposefully did not take my camera with me as this can be a HUGE distraction. I wanted my full attention to be in the present.....letting the full story of ALL the sacrifices Jesus made for me seep into my heart & mind. It was beautiful. We took Kayden for the 1st time when she was just a few months old & so it's been really touching to watch them take it all in.....realizing a little more each year what each "scene" means. This year Emery really was mesmerized by the entire thing & was sad once in a while at the way Jesus was being treated. If you live close & have never been you should plan on it next year.....tickets are free but they go FAST!! 7000 tickets gone within the 1st hour they were being passed out!!! It's that good!!
From there we went out to lunch with my mom, sister, neices, & nephew......then on to my mom's for some early Easter festivities!! My mom is always so good about making holidays fun for the kids & this year was no different!! It was a beautiful sunny day......perfect for running through the grass finiding eggs & treasures!
We've been keeping my nephew on Friday's here & there so that he can go to church with us......he's such a good boy!! Who wouldn't be good surrounded by ALL kinds of ladies! Right?!!
Thanks again mom for another holiday spoiling of ALL your grandkids!! It was a busy but fun day.....being reminded to keep our "eyes to the skies {as Kayden's school pastor says} so that we will be ready for Heaven....hopefully VERY SOON!! Also being reminded of how blessed I am to have a wonderful family who enjoys spending an ENTIRE day together!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cystic Fibrosis Annual Walk

We have been blessed to have met & become friends with a beautiful little girl named Mary Alice {her dad & Jon work together}! She was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a baby. They choose everyday to fight HARD for their daughter to have a long happy healthy life! I'm sure I posted just about these same words last year BUT I just cannot imagine what goes through the minds of parents whose children are diagnosed with a chronic disease. Yet Bridget & Mike remain optimistic. They are AMAZING! You should meet them! They put on several fundraisers throughout the year in the Chattanooga area to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!
{Mary Alice & Jon}
The Great Strides is an opportunity to be in the GREAT outdoors
surrounded by friends
eat some food
act silly
& even do some lounging!
It was a perfect sunny day & we pray that Mary Alice lives a perfect long healthy life!! We LOVE you Lane family!


We're back to that time of year again! I wouldn't say were HUGE sports people {well maybe I should speak for the girls & I.....I think Jon's been forced into not being a HUGE sports guy....being out numbered by girls!} but we all enjoy when baseball season rolls around! Crazy as it may be for the 2 or so months in which the games take place. For several weeks we literally go from tutu's to cleats & they LOVE it!
This is the only year {until they are much older} that they will be on the same team
Which makes life a bit easier with only 1 to 2 games a week to attend rather than 3 or 4!!
Their daddy decided to coach them this year since they were playing together....he's AWESOME! I'm partial I know!
Baseball brings the kids together.....teamwork & friendships are formed
We had opening ceremonies prior to their 1st game this past Monday evening! Each team is announced & they run the bases together!
Makes my heart swell
Introducing the PIRATES!!
Top Row: Coach Jon, Kayden, Jada, Ethan, Taylor, Sam, Piper, Coach Jeff
Bottom Row: Zoe, Emery, Aiden, Lucas
Some last minute pep talk prior to their 1st game
{can you spot the nose picker???}
.....and a prayer! Did I mention that I think Jon is the BEST coach???
In action: Kayden- 1st base, Jon- pitching, Emery- in between 1st & 2nd

Up to bat: Emery
{special request: pink helmet!}
Up to bat: Kayden
If this season goes anything like Monday night did, then were in for a BLAST the next 8 weeks!!!