Monday, August 17, 2009

Music of Blue Grass

I took 1 year off of college and moved to Bowling Green, KY where I met some people that I am privileged to still call friends. It was at that time that I was first (to my recollection) introduced to Blue Grass and fell IN LOVE with this music! There is just something about it that makes you tap your feet and slap your makes it ALL the better if you're way out in the country!!! So Friday evening we joined some friends and made our way up to Signal Mountain to an OLD school house remade into a Blue Grass playing/listening building! 

1 of the 5 or 6 groups that played throughout the course of the evening
foot tappin'
can't help BUT dance
if this isn't fun written ALL over their faces
old wooden chairs to relax in while listening
knee slappin'

1 comment:

girlwithmoxy said...

I LOVE bluegrass too! It was "O Brother Where Art Thou" that did it for me . . . but you're so right. . . you can't help but slap your knee and tap your feet! It's happy music!

Yet another similarity: my daughter has the same color of chacos too. this is just getting weird. :)