Friday, October 15, 2010

Earning some change

Sometimes I tend to make things more difficult than they need to be. Example my girls came bursting through the front door a couple Sunday's ago wanting to sell lemonade! Instantly I went into frantic mode of: we don't have a cute little homemade "Lemonade 25 cents" sign. I don't have lemonade. I don't have cute little cups. Me: "Lets do this another day girls.....we don't have everything we need here at home". Girls: "Yes we do! We can use this yellow gatorade instead and we found these little blue cups"! Within minutes they set up a little table and chairs along with a pitcher full of gatorade and cups to be filled. So easy and simple they made it!!! I proudly watched from the window as they would enthusiastically yell at cars passing by.......never getting discouraged that many cars passed and never stopped. When it was time to come in they EVER SO PROUDLY walked back inside with a WHOLE $2.36 clutched in their little hands!!
I need to take lessons from these little people of mine: Don't make things such a BIG deal......I like the sound of simple but I don't always apply it to my life! Keep TRYING even if over & over & over again......AND don't get discouraged in the process of trying to be successful!!


girlwithmoxy said...

So sweet! And they're learning about the process the whole time. You know I have the exact same reflex to take control and make everything top notch. This was a good reminder to just let it fly . . .

Heather said...

How cute!! I used to sell lemonade when I was little too and I loved it! Our mailman would always give me a silver dollar coin for his glass and I was always MEZMERIZED by it! :) I hope they are able to continue their sales!