It's hard to sit down at the computer & blog about the last few months that we squeezed in as many memories as we could with my uncle {who I've mentioned multiple times on this blog as always being the dad figure in my life}. He passed away just a few weeks ago from Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer.....a very rare & aggressive cancer. He fought HARD to the very end. So our hearts are grieving beyond any grief I've faced in my life thus far. But I want to remember every.single.moment. we had with him in the last few months of his life.....& so even if I sit here crying through each post I know down the road these blogs will be sweeter than ever as the memories become more & more distant. We decided in late January to take a long weekend & head north to see him, Uncle Rolly is what we call him. We always have the best time at his house but this weekend was much more treasured. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary......but that's the beauty in our time with's like you're at home.
Adults gather in the kitchen for food making......
{my mom & uncle....these 2 have a special bond}
while the kids play until their called to eat......
& we ALWAYS have crepes one's a German thing & it's his specialty!
We soaked in some Michigan snow since it's a rarity in the south.....
& the evenings find us gathered in some sort of circle visiting....this night found us digging through old pictures via slide show
{our slide show-er sporting his finest braided wig!}
{me circa 1979ish}
{my great-grandpa's {opa} upholstery shop}
& the next morning found us back in the same spot for the same things.....adults visiting & meal prepping.....
& the kids playing until they're called to eat.....
& not matter the season always enjoying this view off their kitchen......
followed by some jumping at an indoor trampoline park {my aunt Nancy is the best at always providing a special kid outing}....
for several hours of jumping......
but lets be clear it wasn't just the kids who had fun.....
& again the evenings found us gathered in a circle talking & laughing & eating & drinking
followed by the Superbowl
& some snuggling......
with one of THE greatest most treasured men in my life
It was a normal weekend.......filled with memories & good food & lots of talking & lots of laughing & relaxing & fun & crying when good-byes were said......because I've always cried when leaving home {through out my college years & up until my mom moved to TN} & he has always been "home" to me.