Last summer it seemed we visited the market several times a month & enjoyed those fruits/veggies for the next week! Nothing like it! To date I've been {with the girls while Jon worked} ONCE??!! Unheard of.....and so very sad at the same time because this is my opportunity to buy local & fresh. So need to give planting a garden another go....2 summer's ago didn't quite produce we had hoped it would!
I tried a couple new things with some of the yummy fresh goodness we did purchase.
2 different kinds of tomatoes which I was informed were good for sauces.....never have made-from-scratch-spaghetti-sauce so the buying was on....in hopes of enjoying some pasta later in the week!
SCREECHING HALT! Who am I kidding that I thought I would get any further than this?? Insert a procedure called a Spinal Tap {performed because of several "migraine like" headaches, dizziness, & ringing in my ears.....ruling out a "pseudo tumor" which produces too much spinal fluid or does not absorb enough} & rest post procedure & work. Nope those toms sat in the fridge until they were used in these SOOO GOOD enchiladas! At least they didn't go to waist right?! I will get around to that made-from-scratch-spaghetti-sauce!
Next up was kale.....last summer was my 1st time ever eating this good for you stuff. Mom sauteed it in some sesame seed oil along with sesame seeds. YUM! Found this recipe for Kale Chips from Smitten Kitten & thought I'd give it a try.....who doesn't LOVE chips?? BONUS: nutrition packed in them...YES PLEASE! I purchased "dinosaur" kale.
stem & center ribs removed:
torn into large pieces & lined on baking sheet:
ready to eat:
{i added some garlic powder as suggested by "Soule Mama" but will nix that next time & just keep it simple with the Olive Oil & Sea Salt}
Kayden LOVED these.....I am reminded again & again what good eaters I have! Took Emery to the Dr for her Kindergarten physical, upon Dr asking what her favorite food was she responded "avocado's"! That's my girl....indeed avocado's are her fav & MUST be rationed out to her or she will devour a whole one in seconds!
Last on the list but quite possibly the best was this Banana Blueberry Bread! Bought a pint of fresh blueberries with this bread in mind & letting a few banana's ripen up at home. My addition was adding a streusel topping {3 parts flour & sugar, 1 part softened butter....squish together with fingers & sprinkle on top} which can turn something ordinary into extraordinary!!
Wishing these summer days would sllllloooowwww down & I could go to the market more & enjoy fresh fruits/veggies more but alas it's fleeting fast & we will make the most out of the next couple weeks we have!