I grew up without a father in my life, I've mentioned this before (and most reading this know that). I try NOT to dwell on negative things because there are so many in life you really could live a horribly sad life! Instead there is good in MOST everything and THAT is what I choose to dwell on! I have had someone I say "Happy Father's Day" to every year for some time now....not a man at all....it's my Mom! She has been my mom and dad! I also considered my grandfather to be a HUGE "father figure" in my life. I adored and looked up to him. He adored us and I miss him greatly....epsecially on these particular days! So on this Father's Day as I said our morning breakfast pray, I could have felt sorry for myself but instead I THANKED God Sunday morning for a WONDERFUL husband, and most importantly on this day, for a WONDERFUL Daddy to our girls! I also have a Wonderful Father in Heaven who I am thankful for!!!!
The girls and I woke up Sunday morning and quietly shut the door to our bedroom to let Daddy sleep in. This typically does not happen, when 1 is up we all get up! The 3 of us made brunch, homemade cards, and picked fresh flowers from our flower garden for the table!
Kayden set the table.....

Emery Grae helped give the fruit some extra love (a touch of honey)......

.....and we sat down to eat some yummy strata and fresh strawberry's and fun conversation!

We then headed out to our local Farmer's Market to get some local/fresh/organic produce for the week.....the girls enjoyed some rock climbing, hula hooping, sorbet, and more!

Shakin' those hips!

Mom and Lauren met us there.....Jon captured this funny face as her Auntie felt it necessary to give her a bite of some strawberry sorbet!!! DON'T tell her mommy!!!!

I pray for years and years and years of Father's Day celebrations with my husband and girls!

We then made our way over to Jon's parents house for a delicious late lunch! They purchased an old fashion homemade ice cream maker......soooooo many memories from my childhood! Kayden pretty much turned the handle the entire time and we enjoyed yummy, creamy, sweet vanilla/peach ice cream!!!!

Jon's dad sporting the visor the girls gave him!

We ended the day with a couple hours of swimming! It was a perfect Father's Day and again I am very thankful for my husband who is a great dad!!!! Happy Father's Day again JON HUGHES!!!