Monday, December 3, 2012

Grateful Gobbler

Thanksgiving morning started early. Happily. We brushed our teeth. Made some coffee. Pulled our tie-dyed t's over our heads paired with comfy pants. Laced our shoes. Headed downtown to join hundreds & hundreds of other people in walking with hopes of allowing homeless people in the Chattanooga area to have FULL bellies on this day of THANKS!
 Some of my early morning hankfuls: 
& her
 & them
& especially her
& every single one of them
 & us
 & new friends
 & wheelchairs & nieces
 & hundreds of like minded people
 & crutches
 & funny passer-by-ers
 & reminders of just how much we our home & bed & bedding
 & new shoulders for sitting
 Good start to the day.....that mini to my right wasn't so sure she was thankful....but she is I promise!!

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