"Another Wonderful Year" of dance has once again come to a close and last weekend the girls were able to show off everything they've worked so hard on this year!

They love everything about this night.....dressing up, make up, dancing, their biggest fans out in the audience watching intently while grinning from ear to ear, getting flowers....it's a night all about them! *i'd be lying if i didn't add in that they HATE the curling of hair(!) but love the end result*

in their 2nd year they dance to a song called "Daddy's Little Girl"......it's a tear jerker but somehow this feisty blondie still made us laugh

Kayden's Jazz performance: "Disney Medley"

a really fun song for her

"Oh let's all dance like a daisy".......

"a daisy".....

"a bright yellow *or pink(!)* daisy"......

they always perform 1 big number in which multiple classes are involved, this year was the "Jungle Book" and Kayden's class were the elephants

we should have tried a picture at the beginning!

Kayden's teacher who she adores

a few of their fans!

the end of the year comes with a little sigh of relief as we ALL enjoy a small break for the summer! but they are always excited when August roles around again and it's time to dust of the ballet, jazz, and tap shoes!