Time Line of Our Birthday
6:30: Awakened by the alarm and "Happy Birthday Babe" from my husband
6:35: Waking sleeping girls followed by "Happy Birthday Mommy" in those sweet morning voices
6:40: Found a card that was snuck onto the kitchen counter by my husband
7:25: Picked up by my twin to drop off the 2 oldest to school.....on the drive serenading each other with "Happy Birthday" songs
8:05: Dropped of the 2 youngest girls to the sitter for a couple hours
8:30: Met mom and younger sister for a 5 mile run
9:45: Sitting in the park visiting, enjoying the early morning sun/coolish weather while sipping on Starbucks from mom
10:10: 2 youngest girls picked up from sitter
10:50: Home for a quick shower before meeting for lunch
10:55: Found a made bed compliments of the husband {love the small things :) }
12:15: Text from my father {whom I NEVER get to talk to} wishing me a "Happy Birthday"....thanks to my sister!
12:45: Free lunch compliments of Blue Water.....yummy Pecan Encrusted Goat Cheese Spinach Salad

1:45: Ticket on my car because I put change in the wrong meter which negated my free meal....BLEK!
2:00: Specific instructions from my bestie Heather R. to go into Francesca's {cute boutique} and ask for Besty who would give us instructions to shop for something of our choice!!

3:00: Picked up Kayden from school
3:45: Dance class for Kayden and Emery
6:00: Free dinner {compliments of mom} at Taco Mamacita with FAMILY
{sisters! or so we get told OFTEN!!}
7:00: Talking, laughing, and smiling while stuffing our faces

{birthday guests!}
7:15: Singing {and getting sung to!} "Happy Birthday"
*Homemade strawberry cake from mom for me
*Homemade cherry cheesecake for the twin

7:45: Opening up gifts which included a waffle maker, the CUTEST APRON EVER, and a gift card to a bird store so that I can begin building my bird feeding castle!
8:00: Saying good-bye's after a fun day
8:45: One last Birthday squeeze before bedtime
9:30: Laying on the couch relishing in a perfect {in my eyes} day spent with those people I love and feeling very happy with where I am in my life today.......room for growth? Absolutely but that's what life's about right?! Learning. Changing. Growing. Having fun along the way! Cheers to another wonderful year!
Happy Birthday!! What a beautiful day--other than the ticket-darn! YOU have a darling family--what a fun day to be together all day with people you love!
I am so happy to have found a person blogging from Chattanooga. I am going to have to try the restraunts you talked about. They sound so good! My sister is coming to visit next month. Do you have any suggestions for me of what to do or where to go? She has two small children but is up for some sight seeing. I would love to get any ideas. Thanks sooo much!!
What a fun day! So cute...I found myself wanting to have some strawberry cake this morning with my cup of warm. YUM! Love ya!!!!
Happy happy birthday - I'm glad you had such a great day! :)
Way to take celebrating your birthday to a whole new level of FUN! Loved reading all about it!!
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