I decided that we needed to celebrate the returning of school.....not cause I'm excited about my little chicks being away from me for 8 hours a day.....cause lets be clear I'M NOT! But more......well lets be honest I needed to make it seem like I was SOOOO happy {cause inside I'm sad at the thought [GASP] of them being old enough to be away from me} for them that they GET to go back to school! Cause they are pretty excited or at least the eldest!! That little one of mine could stay with me for a lifetime....does she give me problems going to school? NOPE. Does she mind having overnight visits with her Aumie or Gran and Papa or Auntie? NOPE. BUT would she LOVE to stay with me and by me always? YES! AND while I swoon over that thought.....I must promote learning and let her use her wings!
So our celebratory dinner involved some fried zucchini spears {maybe mom and and dad ate too many cause they were that yummy!}
Singing "Happy 1st day of School" {to the tune of Happy Birthday}

then diving in to our favorite cupcakes....GIGI'S

and pretty much spent the ENTIRE day playing together quite well on this last of summer days
which will be OH SO VERY MISSED.....mostly by their mother :(
Showers done, backpacks chuck full of school supplies, lunch bag ready to be filled, new Converse high tops {who would have thought these would be making a come back?} laced & ready for feet in the morning, and clothes neatly laid out on the bed ready for a warm body! SCHOOL HERE WE COME!
I do have to say that while school is in session we seem to have a good routine of reading books in bed nightly and going to bed on time both of which are.....well not so routine during our summers! So it felt a little "happy place" for me to be "back on track"! We'll ALL miss you summer but look forward to seeing you next year!!
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