Thursday, January 19, 2012


I'm not sure who visits this site these days.....those who do probably already know the news. But for some reason if there are a few stragglers who pop in here we are begging prayers for my baby sister Karlie!! Monday night she went into the hospital for a scheduled induction to have her sweet baby Mackenzie Grace! Minus gestational diabetes, which the Dr's had under control, she was in good health & all was well with baby!! By Tuesday around 6pm she had only dilated to 3cm & her Dr felt it was time for a C-Section due to her slow dilitation, almost like this was the baby's way of saying I can't come out vaginally! This was not emergent, it was a very controlled & un-rushed setting. We were just getting ready to roll her over to the OR & she was complaining of not being able to breath or cough. In less than a minute she coded {NOT BREATHING & NO PULSE}. I'll spare you some of the grueling details but they had to shock her 5 times & finally got a heartbeat after 14 minutes of her being down. She & her sweet little Mackenzie are both on a ventilator & intubated. They are on a cooling protocol which lowers their body temperatures significantly to protect their brains. We are uncertain of the outcome for both of them but we believe God is HUGE & He is the ALMIGHTY HEALER & GREAT PHYSICIAN! Karlie's life of getting to this day is a miracle & I believe that God is not finished with her yet! She has a story to tell! SO PLEASE WE COVETT YOUR PRAYERS!! Any & all prayers!! PLEASE! We started a Caring Bridge site so that everyone can follow along in her process!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas Day.....

a month late....or at least blogging about it a month late! Hoping this is not indicative of my year to come!
Santa did his thing......
& 2 happy girls were the end result!
This one & her LOVE for Toy Story!
This one & her LOVE for crafting!
Even excited about their momma made gifts....makes me happy!
The girls get to shop at school for family members prior to Christmas.....Kayden got Jon an orange hat & Emery got him a wooden puzzle.....I love the thoughtfulness that goes behind each purchase & the sheer joy they see in watching the receiver open up "their gift"!
After opening gifts & a quick bite to eat we headed over to Jon's parents house were the gifting continued! It was a rather rapid gift opening this year & my pictures were scarce.....sometimes though when I let go of the pressure to capture every. single. moment. I find I am ever more present in the moment & those times are worth the lack of pictures in the end!

2 little girls received their 1st EVER electronic device.....& their grandparents went BIG!
I-Pads!! I'm still struggling with today's technology ways.....I know I need to give in somewhat but it is a HUGE struggle for me. I'll leave my soap box at that.....they're happy ladies!
It was a VERY relaxing day surrounded by relaxing this momma took a 2 1/2 hour siesta!! There aren't too many days I can admit to that!

We came home to try & squeeze in 1 more viewing of Polar Express before the magic quickly disappeared! The lengthened-relaxing-soaking-up-this-time-with-my-babies was wonderful! A gift in and of itself!
Christmas came & went extra fast this year......such a let down every year when it's over. I do love to pack everything up & feel that sense of de-clutter but we are all left with a bit of sadness too! Oh well.....the train continues to speed on & all too soon it will be Christmas again!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Prepping for Santa

Outside: Food sprinkling
......of the reindeer sorts!
Inside: Santa Tracking
......& maybe hearing a jingle or 2 which quickly ran them off to their rooms!
{must mention a of course this is a journal of sorts for my girls to look back at some day!....Kayden wanted her stocking hung in her room. O.K....done! Emery then decided she wanted hers in her room also....but upon walking in her room she firmly stated "NOPE HE'S NOT STEPPING FOOT IN MY ROOM"....& that stocking was placed on the floor right outside her door!! Love that kid!}
Santa & elves got busy!! Lots of wrapping which I have a love/hate relationship with!
Had some fun with thrifted yarn this year.....
World Market was dangerous this year.....all the mushroom/gnome/cottage/german stuff! STOP!
Everything was quiet as a mouse, cleaned up, & ready at the very early hour of 3 am!

Christmas Eve Day

Christmas was beautiful.....not snowy white beautiful like last year but beautiful none the less! Beautiful because we're healthy, we were surrounded by family, we have SO MUCH. Of everything. SO MUCH that other's do not have. AND we have an ever loving Savior who loves us despite all of our sinful ways! Yes....this was a beautiful Christmas!
We started the day with church & we were able to hug on a bestie for a few minutes!
From church we went to lunch....nice to go somewhere fancy-ish but eat a grill cheese sandwich {mushrooms & goat cheese were involved}
who says ketchup can't be lipstick?
desert for the kids....cookies bigger than their faces!
From lunch we headed to my moms for a very relaxing few hours
{Jon bought all the woman "Stars of Bethlehem". Kristi called him a brown noser!}
Once the sun had set we had worship....1st reading a card that my grandparents had sent to my mom several years ago with a sweet message inside. Several tears were shed.....miss those grandparents. Bad. This card was a "gift" from Readers Digest.....they passed it along as a Christmas card cause that's just them! Waste not want not!! Good motto I think....hmmmm New Years Resolution?!
Followed by the 2 oldest taking turns reading about Jesus' Birth.....precious!
{we are German....cuckoo clocks are a part of our family. Found this ornament for mom!}
The excitement of gift opening could NO LONGER be contained!
If you don't know about should. Along with YUMMY tea they also have can choose pots according to the receivers personality! This one stands for Strong Person & Shielder=Our Mother!
This niece of mine is easy peasy to pull tricks on.....never says anything BUT thank-you! {last year's trick!} We gifted her with a box of microwave popcorn & an IOU for 40 Redbox movies! SHE LOVED IT....sadly we had to tell her that was not her real gift......
Wishes came pink cowboy boots
.....pants with a skirt buttoned to the back dolls
& a camera!
Even the baby in the belly received a couple gifts!
There are somethings that only an aunt can convince this girl to be "cool" things....a "bag" {she will not admit that this is a purse} & a headlight!
The evening quickly came to a close....BUT we all left happy....we have each other!
A Very Merry Christmas Eve it was!