Friday, August 31, 2012

Outdoor Movie Theatre

It's been on the summer MUST DO list for several years now.....I mean come on who wouldn't want to watch a movie outside surrounded by mountains.....laying in the bed of a truck with pillows & blankets & family/friends?!! This summer we finally made it happen {it's really not that hard to make it happen,  you just need to have a good memory to remember you have an outdoor theatre within driving distance!}......we even got lucky with some beautiful cool{er} weather which made for an even more enjoyable evening! 
The grounds were beautiful & VERY CLEAN.....good enough for running through the grass....
 & doing some flips!
 Time allowed for some pickin' on only the finest of guitars......
 & even some cousin wrestling!
  As soon as the sun set we all snuggled in for the movie: Madagascar 3!
 OH NO YOU DI' INT think we'd miss out on popcorn?!! What's a movie without it?!
 Such a fun be outdoors.....with the moon glowing in the's what memories are made of!
 We'll see you next summer Wilderness Outdoor Theatre!

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