Last Tuesday my niece, Taylor, was on her spring break and so we decided that would be a perfect opportunity to head to the Knoxville Zoo! My younger sister Karlie lives there now and it was a good opportunity to do something in "her" town! It was a perfect day because we all (my mom, Kristi, my younger sister Karlie, and myself) happened to all be off work which is unheard of unless planned WAY in advance!! It was not a perfect weather day.....a pretty chilly 30 degrees give or take a little depending on the time. But we bundled up and had a blast. We spent about 4 1/2-5 hours there! I think we were the ONLY people there for most of the day, every once in a while we would bump into someone!! There was a baby penguin who had just hatched the end of January and although we didn't get to see him/her (you can't tell a penguin's sex by looking, they have to do a blood test) we did learn a few things about them. They are VERY loyal to their partners, as if they are married....somethings human's could study and learn from! We were very surprised at how many animals we did get to see because of it being cold. We look forward to many more visits as my mom got each of us a Zoo membership which allows you to visit MOST Zoo's in the USA!!!! Very cool Easter gift!!!!
Having fun in the gift shop!!

Right after we took this picture (we are standing by the Zebra's) one of them had it's "better side" facing us and started pooping!!! NO sarcasm when I say that me, mom, Kristi, and Karlie were in tears of laughter at watching the girls see it poop!! Tay of course was laughing, Kayden seemed a bit puzzled and very much in awe of what was taking place and Emery was saying..."mmmmm he gonna be in trouble for pooping"!!!! Hilarious to watch each age react differently!

The otters TOTALLY loved the attention and put on a show for us!

Karlie and her nieces hopped on the back of this very old Land Rover!

Of course monkeys are ALWAYS entertaining, they were picking each others.....whatever it is they pick at....bugs, dirt...I don't know but it's fun to watch them!


Some animals mom caught!

After finishing at the Zoo we took a trolley ride around downtown Knoxville! It was fun and FREE!! This is the free transportation Knoxville provides! Emery especially loved the Chawlie ride as some of you know her LOVE for trains!

Sweet little thing loved every single minute!!!
We then ate at a great little place called Tomato Head!!! Great food with vegetarian and vegan options!!! Karlie lives a cool area of downtown Knoxville, great little shops, old buildings, just a fun place!!!