We all have "demons" we fight on a regular basis whether it be restraining yourself from eating too much chocolate, shopping too much, and also having to resist that drink or drug of choice.....some have to fight these temptations off more often (every minute...second) than others. There are people also who "attempt" to act holier than
thou. (excuse me if this was offensive to anyone.....should not be taken personally....I am speaking in general) As if they have no problems they are facing and often choose to out right judge to avoid being looked at themselves. AGAIN we ALL have "demons" and it's not fair to judge those people who may have more open addictions. On to the point of this blog.....we travelled to Knoxville this last weekend to visit my younger sister who celebrated 1 YEAR of freedom!!! So very proud of her and what she has accomplished in this past year! We ate at the yummy Table 4 restaurant where she works, visited the farmer's market, went to the zoo, relaxed (a bit), celebrated her and cried (tears of happiness) with her, and just once again had a beautiful weekend!!! I have before mentioned that we are a very close knit family.....nice to have that 1 link back which has been "missing" for so long!!!
Kayden and Taylor playing in the fountain at the Market Square

Emery Grae....that face!

Yummy grilled tofu with mushrooms, red peppers, and arugula sandwich from Table 4 (where Karlie works)

Locally made and fresh focaccia bread (ate some with a salad [have to balance some good with bad :) ]the other night....sinful!!!)

Tasting yellow watermelon....over and over

Listening to music at the market

That smile speaks for itself....freedom!!!

Gift opening
At the zoo we went to the butterfly exhibit....1 landed on this man's hat
In the elephant building (where they are bathed) the walls are stucco like...Kayden thought this looked like a dog! She has a knack for finding shapes in clouds, walls, ect

Riding on daddy's shoulders.....

Safari land cruiser

Stopped at a store called Earth Fare on our way home and mom bought the girls these Fair Trade (I think they were made in Ethiopia) baskets for our almost weekly visits to our farmer's market!!! So FUN.....I thought!

I can't even fathom that accomplishment! So proud of her!!
Hugs to you all! Love & Miss You!!
Great weekend- thanks for blogging. Also, very proud of Karlie- have no idea what she has gone through the past year- and before. beautiful pics. Em cracks me up. love the pic's!
So so nice!!
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