I say it ALL the time don't I??? Are you tired of me saying it? Well you're gonna hear it again...sorry! I CAN'T believe this "once my baby girl" is graduating from Kindergarten! Really where in the world did this year go? It truly feels like a couple weeks ago that we all 4 walked into A W Spalding for her 1st day of Kindergarten. She was confident as EVER.....not a worry in her step!
She has 38 weekly behavior report sheets in her notebook and not a single "bad behavior" was checked! She's reading. She wants to take violin next year, after a practice semester that the kindergartners are given each year. She learned so much about the Bible and has verses memorized. She made LOTS of friends and feeling blessed that she never came home with her feelings hurt by another child. She NEVER wanted to skip school *and yes I offered a princess day here and there*! She LOVES her teachers and is happy to only be across the hall from them next year. SHE PASSED KINDERGARTEN....we knew she would!! :) She amazes us daily with her hunger to learn and to be an artist!
She said days before graduating "I want to be an artist mommy and daddy" to which daddy replies "you already are". She then says "no daddy a real artist like in books". A questionnaire filled out at school: What do you want to be when you grow up?: vetrunyrn (veterinarian) was her answer.
Well sweet girl you can be both!!! The world is yours to grow and learn in and we pray that you will take Jesus by your side and be ALL you want and can be!!

she's been loosing teeth left and right lately but waits until they're hanging by who knows what before she will let us pull them! As you can see below she's got a "hanger"! One day she'll laugh just like we did!

it takes a village huh?!!

and this is about the way family pictures go for us

almost perfect but can never quite get all looking forward and smiling!
(my mom did try though!)

her AMAZING teacher Mrs Benge

and AWESOME assistant Mrs Huggins

insert crying from me here:

"I pledge allegiance...."

listening to their Pastor speak


Unreal cake made by one of the mom's

along with 38 graduates

I've prayed on and off with Kayden ALL year long......to the point she says it sometimes to: Thank you Jesus for blessing us financially (and we in NO WAY have $$...I just felt the need to make that clear!) to send Kayden to a school where she can learn about you and love you freely, be taught by teachers who love and serve you, and be surrounded by students who love you too! AMEN!
Despite the fact that I'm sad she's now officially a 1st grader and time continuously slips thru my hands......it's SUMMER BREAK!!!! LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!