Monday, May 24, 2010

A Day Of Rest??

Kayden's summer vacation started Thurday.......oh and I had HUGE plans of......NOTHING! I wanted to sleep in....and lounge and lounge and lounge! It sounded perfect! Insert screeching break sounds here loudly!: 7:30 I am awaken by Kayden who is ready to play a game. She then wanted NOTHING to do with lounging around the house!

So we were off for a day of painting frog faces
and imitating them
acting out plays
drawing "still art": Emery drew a flower while Kayden and I attempted a drawing of Marilyn Monroe :).......please feel free to use your imagination we're NOT professionals!
ice cream instead of supper :) :) :)
and ended the day with a nice walk over a bridge downtown holding hands, talking, and laughing
got back in the car to head home around 6:15 and both girls were knocked out in 2 minutes and slept till 8:30 the next morning! yep summer break is to do as we please with our days nights and sleep! we're pretty stinkin' excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Kera! I love your day! Ashton has 1/2 day tomorrow and graduation! Can hardly wait for summer to begin here. Although we have started early. Played in the pool & caught fire flies tonight. That makes it official in my book :)