My "baby" graduated from pre-school!
While I did spend various times over the past few weeks filling some buckets with tears this littlest of mine seems to make me laugh/smile just when I think I want to cry! I had totally given in to the fact that I was going to cry May 6, 2011 away yet when the night came I found that smiling & laughing took 1st & 2nd spots in my set of emotions! She NEVER ceases to AMAZE ME!
LOVE THIS GIRL.....acting as if the "paparazzi" was TOO MUCH ALREADY!
Ms Karen......the teacher we are heart broken to leave behind. Can I just pack her up & let her home school my babes forever?!! She has loved & taught my girls as if they were her own! I couldn't even look at her today.....told her that I wasn't going to be able to say an official good-bye this week....we were just going to part ways without those silly words being spoken. UGH.
Her daddy cried.....privately of course & admitted to picking on everyone around him to keep from having a HUGE breakdown!
I can never understand where time flies away to but I try hard to savor up these moments with my girls......even the frustrating fighting with her to put this cap on!!
Yet when her best friend Bradford had his cap & gown on she was ready for hers.....
running & jumping around in excitement!!
And with some of her favorite fans surrounding her she was ready for this special occasion!

Diploma time
It was a fun evening.....she didn't want her hair curled, she wasn't excited about her outfit, & she could have cared LESS about having her pictures taken! BUT her eyes sparkled, she smiled from ear to ear, & she wanted ALL her family to be front & center while she sang along side her classmates.....this one who I thought would be my "shy one" is anything BUT shy!
This child of mine has always done things in her own timing.....from walking to potty training to learning her abc's/writing her name/123's. For a little while I was worried that she might not quite be "ready" for Kindergarten! BUT what was I fretting over?......just as always she learned all this & more.....IN HER OWN TIMING of course! In fact "playing school, writing, & showing interest in reading are some of her favorite past times! I wonder one day if this blonde strong willed child of mine will become an astronaut??.......for this was, by far, her FAVORITE thing to learn about thus far in her short 5 years of life!! LOVES ALL THINGS SPACE!
OH & on a side note........have I ever mentioned how difficult it is to have a family picture taken?? I know I know I've mentioned it a bazillion times!! My mother tries SOOOO very and yet this is what we end up with.....I'll laugh one day!!
1 comment:
oh cute. i can't believe it is summer over there already.
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