For those of you who don't know Aumie, let me introduce you to my mom! She wanted to be called gramie by Taylor but don't worry that a child will call you what they want! Actually due to Tay needing tubes in her ears when she was little and Kristi not realizing it, Taylor couldn't hear too well and thus we have Aumie! To this day Taylor thinks she only has one grandma and that being my grandma (Oma, which is her great-grandmother). When you ask her "then what is Aumie" she replies "Aumie". She truly does not consider her her grandma!!! So my mom has been really busy taking care of my grandma and the girls having been itching to spend the night!! So despite her crazy schedule they were able to spend the night Monday and of course loved every minute of it! Mom lets them tear the house down and there is no panicking (not that I EVER panic when they make HUGE messes at home!!!)! Tuesday they made Thanksgiving cookies. I was not there cause I had to work but mom did good taking pictures!
Tuesday morning eating breakfast! Emery is a GREAT breakfast eater and then not so much of an appetite for lunch and dinner

Kayden on the other hand does not do too well eating breakfast but does better with lunch and dinner! One of the many opposite traits they carry!

Tea party for one!

Kayden loves dancing at any given moment! Mom was busy in the kitchen and when she came in the living room to check on her she had transformed her pj's into a fancy dance outfit and was dancing away!!

Dr Kayden and Dr pressure girls!

Just before putting cookies in the oven! Here is another opposite trait from her sister as you can see below! CANNOT get this child to look at the camera where as her sister is camera ready at ALL times!

....and the decorating begins!

Mom said Kayden frosted this apple with no prompting of colors and no assisting with getting it on perfectly!

They had soooo much fun mom!!! Thank you and we love you!!!