Me and Grandma
Kayden and Emery are both in dance and four times a year two of the classes go t0 a nursing home (which happens to be the nursing home that Gram is at!!!!) to perform a few dances! The residents love and it gives the kids a chance to show off their talents!!
Here is Kayden and a little girl in her class Lola watching another class perform!
I didn't realize until we got there that Emery's class was also involved so she was in "street" clothes but did very well dancing (she is just in the last 2 weeks beginning to dance in front of people)! Below she is so excited that her Oma (what they call my grandma), cousin, and auntie are front and center to watch!!!
Had to get a back picture of Kayden! She never tires of posing!
Kayden and Oma
Emery helping her Oma wheel down the hall of the nursing home!
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