Saturday night we went over to our friends' house, the Gerhke's, to have a little get together for Jon's Birthday which is actually tomorrow!! It was a very cold night along with some rain but we stayed nice a warm with the blazing fire!!
The GREAT fire


Some silliness begins!!

Jon and Adam used to have Olan Mill pictures taken when they were younger so they wanted to redo those pictures....just several years later!!!

Of course then all the guys had to join in!! Adam, Jon, Steve, and Chris

Stephanie (Chris's wife) made Jon cupcakes for his b-day and surprised him!! You guys are sooo sweet! Thanks for a fun evening!

Blowing out the candles

Cupcakes after a few raindrops hit them!

Steph and Me

Leigha and me! I totally looked sunburned but that fire was PIPING hot!!!

Leigha, me, and Stephanie

Jon and Ben laughing at each other!!

Adam trying to avoid the paparazzi!!!

My fav is my brother in law and Adam with their hands on top of each other!!! - I LOVE IT!!! It's hot!!!
OMG I'm totally laughing at the Olan Mills pics - those are hilarious! :)
Ya there's only certain people who get the humor!!! There have been a few people who truly think it's serious!!
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