Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gotcha Jessica!!!

We threw a surprise birthday party for my friend Jessica, who stated a few years ago that NO ONE would EVER be able to throw her a surprise birthday party!!! It took a few months of planning but her sister-in-law, her husband, and myself pulled it off!!! It was hysterical to watch her come through the door! The theme was an 80's tacky Christmas party!!! Some people came in their best 80's clothes, others came in their tackiest Christmas attire! Either way we were laughing at each other the entire night!!! It was a fun night!!!

Happy 30th Birthday Jessica!!!
Jessica coming through the door, although at this point she still did not realize this was a party for her, she thought everyone was yelling just because it was a party!
......still no clue, posing just because!!!!
.....starting to get it.....that this party was FOR HER!!!
The Hostess'!!!! Puullleeaaasseee don't be jealous of my crimped hair and blue eye shadow, not to mention the outfit!!!

Neal and Jon
Oh how did we survive the 80's!!! Guess cause we were younger at that point!
Brian and Jessica
Kami, Jessica, and me
Amy wore her hair up in a banana you all remember those???!!!
Gotta love the gold dress and mustard tights with black shoes!!!
Jon (with his great mullet) and his friend Keith, who actually didn't really dress up!! This is a normal look for him!!!

A little dancing!


Home Project Manager said...

OH MY! OH MY!!! this is hysterical!!! YOUR HAIR!!! JOHNS SWEATER!!!! OH my goodness! i love the mustard tights too! those are soooo funny!!! Tacky Christmas party...note to self.....great idea!

The Hadfields said...

Hysterical!! All of you looked fabulous!!! Your hair was perfect! And Kami went all out, huh?? It was great seeing all those familiar faces!! I hope Jessica had a great (surprise) b-day party!!

Anonymous said...

i love jon's mustache!

Charisa said...

I used to have a crimper thingy - your hair rocks!!!