I'm a bit behind, I do realize, but we've been basking the last few days of no alarm clock wakes and no schedules to make (almost had to add an s just to keep the rhyme going!)

we brought in the year with some friends.....about 1 minute behind, to be truthful, as we were running our mouths and didn't realize the "ball" had already dropped!!

it's alway good to be in the presence of adults......good conversation and laughter
and be amazed at what your kids will come up with next...."sledding" down the steps in a sleeping bag (kayden)

and then seeing these two sweet faces who finally gave in to all the excitement after (told on themselves the next morning) sneeking in and out of the other little girl's room for who really knows how long

bright eyed and ready to eat by 8:00 am sharp.....she won't let you sleep over that magical 8

we promptly filled our bellies with greasy yumminess!!!.....nope i don't make ny's diet resolutions!

and then with overly stuffed bellies sitting back and being thankful that we have been given another year with these 2 beautiful children and each other

i typically am not a ny's resolution list maker kind of girl but i have a few things that i am really striving for this year:
*getting to know God better and be ALL he has for me to be.
*having a calmer voice with my kids during intense situations.....my voice can quickly go from calm to.....well not so calm in no time. i want set the best example for them that i can (i realize i will NEVER hit perfection on this earth) in ALL areas of life.
*making a menu up every sunday and then either jon or i shopping for those items that day so i am better prepared for the upcoming week....thus avoiding going out to eat (when i am too lazy to make a run to the store at 4) and saving that as a treat.
*cleaning out the dryer lint machine with every or every other load.....don't laugh....this is a VERY attainable goal. there must be some other person out there who "forgets" and then the lint thing is so impacted that you have to go outside and fight to get it all out....all the while you are being blasted with lint in your face.....no?....just me??!!
*learning to sew and knit more.....in general be more crafty with my girls.....i was able to give my kids, nieces, mother, and mother-in-law each a handmade item this year (my kids even received 2) for christmas.
*coming to some financial peace....we know that may not mean being debt free but sticking with a plan/goal.
*no kid drinks in bedroom/living room.....or out of the kitchen quite frankly as this leads to a frustrated mommy when they are spilt!!
*attempting to keep our lives as simple and uncomplicated as possible(which for us at least leaves grouchy kids and frazzled parents when we are over scheduled!) simple is better anyway you look at it!
*continuing to remind myself to remain in the moment and enjoy each and every moment i have on this earth.....as we have witnessed TOO many deaths this year, life can change in an instant!
i think that is the bulk of my goals for this upcoming year.....overall i wish for LOTS of happiness and health!! hope your year is off to a GREAT start!!