Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sweater Heart Pouches

"heart day" is quickly approaching and because it's a FAVORITE holiday in this house i was trying to think of a few special little things i could make the girls.

thoughts in my head: sweaters to be buttons i found this week**
folding your segment of repurposed sweater in half cut out 2 hearts
i cut 1 out, pinned it to the other piece of folded sweater and cut around the other heart as to have similar sizes
with right sides together pin the hearts in place. place (not to be sewn in to place just yet but use a maker) your button in the approximate place you want it (this will be on one of the "right" sides {inside} )
then on other opposite heart cut a TINY slit (this hole will grow when you stitch it later with yarn)....cut the slit to line up mid button
using yarn, stitch (i believe it's a "whip stitch") your hearts closed leaving a small opening at the top
turn your heart pouch inside out. stitch (again using the whip stitch) around the button hole and each side of sweater (at the opening on top) to keep the sweater from fraying. sew on your button of choice (i used embroidery floss)
you can make them BIG or small........the imperfections of these make them PERFECT!!!
this one i sewed with a machine and while i like it & was WAY FASTER to make i think i LOVE the hand sewn one a little better!!
i think the girls will LOVE these on "heart day" OVERFLOWING with sugary treats!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Until I see you again......

a year ago yesterday she peacefully, just the way she her home, surrounded by 4 women who LOVED and RESPECTED and JUST ABSOLUTELY thought the WORLD of her. today we were just getting in to michigan to get the last of the funeral arrangements finished up. GOD blessed us with a beautiful white snowy weekend surrounded by family who loved her too. it's been a year?? hard to believe because the pain is still so fresh. but yesterday we met for lunch, with mom, at 1 of her (gram) favorite restaurants and tried to talk about her but we cried instead.....then laughed at the fact that our girls had NO say in being birthed into some VERY emotional women's lives!!!
(taken 1 year ago....she looked so good even post stroke)
in the interim......of our home on earth and being united with her in our eternal home....HEAVEN we will remember her in ALL kinds of ways......that make us smile and laugh.....and YES cry too.

(a gift from mom, she found a lady who made this purse completely from my grandparents clothes.....such a GREAT keepsake)
(and eat simple yet deliciously satisfying food that remind us of her)
(and wear slippers {we call them by a german name but i have zero knowledge of how to spell it so i'll keep from embarrassing my german relatives who may be reading this!!!} that were handmade by her)
.......oh and so many more!!! she was beautiful inside and out and SOOOOO greatly missed!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am not an animal lover.....but let me be VERY clear that I DO NOT hate animals. I just like that dog at YOUR house or that cat purring in YOUR bed (my mother is probably ROLLING her eyes at me right now!!!!). We do house 2 fish, a beta and a goldfish, and I am VERY proud to say that they are each coming up on their 1 year birthdays!!! That's especially huge for a goldfish!!

Anyways on to the tail....or tale of our snail......this last fall Emery and I were headed out to the car and she almost squashed this little shell which housed a cute snail who has received the endearing name of "snelly". She decided he needed to be housed in our pre-existing terrarium. I must say we weren't exactly sure he'd thrive.....what do they eat? Well we didn't research that information but he's survived (there must be something in there to keep his belly full) and we love him!!!We sprinkle water in the terrarium every so often and snelly must love it because shortly after you can find him setting out on an adventure
or that's what we like to imagine......the mushrooms, small piece of wood, moss, dirt, large shell, high glass walls.....for such a little thing, we imagine he thinks it OH SO EXCITING!!! We've sat around the table and talked over many meals what FUN he must be having.....surely this is better than the "scary" outdoors......where if you don't watch out you might get squashed!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Tomorrow the kindergartners will celebrate the 100th day of school.....EXCITING!! Kayden received an assignment to come up with 100 of the same "things" that could be put on poster board....anything BE CREATIVE was the key point!!

so we collaborated.....this artistic 6 year girl and a mother who desperately tries to keep up with her creative idea was BORN!!
today the idea was created!
we sat down on the living room floor and started tearing little pieces of magazine paper of various colors
we then started putting those colors together until we reached 100 pieces
glued them to a piece of cardboard and the MASTERPIECE was finished!!!
a flower.....looks a bit mosaic like i think!! aside from creativity we were proud of the fact that this was made from recycled materials.....nothing had to be purchased! can't beat that!
we may just be creating some other recycled magazine objects for an upcoming holiday!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Birthday to my, growing up WAY to fast, Emery Grae!!
it was a day to celebrate her and do ONLY what she wanted. period.
which started out with reading
and moved on to pedi's (colors of her choice, "hot pink with purple dots")
where we were wiggled into hysterics by the "massage chairs"
we then HAD to hit one of her FAVORITE lunch spots (yellow veggie sandwiches in town) with her doting daddy
and because and ONLY because she is SOOOO cute and lovable
she got a free birthday cookie "on the house"
then after getting the big sis from school we met back up with daddy and friends for some indoor rock climbing
where she was feeling extra big and strong for a 4 year old and climbed straight to the top.....1st time EVER to do that!!!
and all through out the day this was going on because she has lots of fans who must gives wishes of a HAPPY DAY
dinner was a menu ONLY a 4 year old would order up: waffles
and perfectly ended in bed with daddy reading stories!
it was a day ordered up by this girl (we had tried to convince her that a trip to Atlanta to pick out an "American Girl" doll would be a fun day.....NOPE, not her thing) and we happily obliged! it was perfect and full and silly and I LOVE HER BEYOND THE GREATEST WORDS IN THE DICTIONARY!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Helping keep this world

a BEAUTIFUL person at a time!!

I have no control over the child molesters or kidnappers (the hubby is standing over my shoulder as I write this and is finding those 2 words above HARSH.....sorry if they offend anyone....they are harsh.) in this world, sadly, because they would NOT exist. I grew up in a world that from morning to night and all in between you could find a set of twins exploring the back yard, woods, riding bikes, and running around carefree!! I DO however have control of working with my family towards a "green" way of living (and we already do several things in this area). Popping up ALL over the blog world are people joining Hip Mountain Mama for "One Small Change" and we've decided to join in on this greatness!!! I want my kids to be able to enjoy the beauty of this earth for years and years to come. If we can all make small changes it will make a HUGE difference!! I'm a bit late in joining in, really only in blogging about it though, we've been working on this!

I am a HUGE paper towel bad I know! So as you can see below our paper towel dispenser is empty. We are trying NOT to use them right now and then will eventually put a roll up to be used SPARINGLY or NOT AT ALL!!
I did have to come up with an alternative though because I am constantly wiping hands off both big and small, wiping off counters, wiping off the table, even spills off the floor. SO I put a VERY small amount of soapy water into one side of the sink and this is my go to through out the day. Sometimes I have to make a new batch of water depending on the messiness of our day but I figure this is the "greener" to go!
So go check out this change that you too could participate in!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Money Jars

Today we started and finished a project that I have had only the best of intentions of finishing for almost 2 years! YIKES....!!! I am not typically an "I'll buy you a treat if you're good" kinda mom....not that I've NEVER purchased something to reward to good behavior.....come on I'm a mom!!! But ultimately when we walk into a store and the "I wants" start I don't give in, what will that teach them?? Saturday night we went into a specialty food store where you can find jars and jars of candy lined up on shelves.....I would worry if I didn't hear "I want just one piece......please mommy I haven't had supper, I'm SOOOOO hungry.....I've been good today........PUUUUULLLLEASE"!!! LIGHT BULB WENT OFF!!! It's time to get those money jars in action QUICKLY!! I happened to have some of their Christmas money with me and asked if they wanted to use some of that money to purchase the candy and they happily did! I gave them each a $1 and they paid excited for the change and receipt!
So we pulled out the money they have tucked away in their piggy banks along with 6 random jars found in the house and basement and met at the kitchen table
painted on each jar......
"save" (to be used towards college education or 1st house purchase), "tithe" (not intentionally the smallest jar but this will go with us to church monthly), and "spend"
we then distributed out the money 10% for tithe, what was left we did 1/3 for spending and the other 2/3 for savings. not sure if this right or wrong....or is there a right/wrong answer to this (would welcome any advice from you money savvy people out there)
They will receive an allowance based on age and household chores completed (not necessarily by chart method {as the youngest doesn't really excel with these right now} but by mom's brain keeping track the best I can).......and in the end our intent is to teach these ladies the value of a penny!


I'm a bit behind, I do realize, but we've been basking the last few days of no alarm clock wakes and no schedules to make (almost had to add an s just to keep the rhyme going!)
we brought in the year with some friends.....about 1 minute behind, to be truthful, as we were running our mouths and didn't realize the "ball" had already dropped!!
it's alway good to be in the presence of adults......good conversation and laughter
and be amazed at what your kids will come up with next...."sledding" down the steps in a sleeping bag (kayden)
and then seeing these two sweet faces who finally gave in to all the excitement after (told on themselves the next morning) sneeking in and out of the other little girl's room for who really knows how long
bright eyed and ready to eat by 8:00 am sharp.....she won't let you sleep over that magical 8
we promptly filled our bellies with greasy yumminess!!!.....nope i don't make ny's diet resolutions!
and then with overly stuffed bellies sitting back and being thankful that we have been given another year with these 2 beautiful children and each other
i typically am not a ny's resolution list maker kind of girl but i have a few things that i am really striving for this year:
*getting to know God better and be ALL he has for me to be.
*having a calmer voice with my kids during intense voice can quickly go from calm to.....well not so calm in no time. i want set the best example for them that i can (i realize i will NEVER hit perfection on this earth) in ALL areas of life.
*making a menu up every sunday and then either jon or i shopping for those items that day so i am better prepared for the upcoming week....thus avoiding going out to eat (when i am too lazy to make a run to the store at 4) and saving that as a treat.
*cleaning out the dryer lint machine with every or every other load.....don't laugh....this is a VERY attainable goal. there must be some other person out there who "forgets" and then the lint thing is so impacted that you have to go outside and fight to get it all out....all the while you are being blasted with lint in your me??!!
*learning to sew and knit general be more crafty with my girls.....i was able to give my kids, nieces, mother, and mother-in-law each a handmade item this year (my kids even received 2) for christmas.
*coming to some financial peace....we know that may not mean being debt free but sticking with a plan/goal.
*no kid drinks in bedroom/living room.....or out of the kitchen quite frankly as this leads to a frustrated mommy when they are spilt!!
*attempting to keep our lives as simple and uncomplicated as possible(which for us at least leaves grouchy kids and frazzled parents when we are over scheduled!) simple is better anyway you look at it!
*continuing to remind myself to remain in the moment and enjoy each and every moment i have on this we have witnessed TOO many deaths this year, life can change in an instant!

i think that is the bulk of my goals for this upcoming year.....overall i wish for LOTS of happiness and health!! hope your year is off to a GREAT start!!