Our friends came to visit us this last weekend and as customary with having younger kids it was loud and busy and maybe for them felt a little crazy {as theirs are 10 months and 2 1/2 years old....been there! Mine are especially good at showing their back sides when we are staying with other people and ooooooo making me feel oh so the parent of the year}! But way more than that it was FUN and memories were made and I was able to sit back and smile A LOT {maybe even sometimes while theirs were acting up and mine were good for a change!}!
we swam

we utilized the backyard a bunch....ate popsicles melting faster than could be licked, turned the regular slide into a bullet shooting slide {Owen left with some battle wounds this weekend and we're hoping is gram isn't mad!}

and took baths outside......soooo much easier aside from the parents getting soaked as well!

Did a family first and rode up Lookout Mountain on the incline.....on the HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR WE'RE QUITE CERTAIN!

We ventured back home with FULL intentions of NO NAPS and wearing these kids out a bit more followed by bedtime at a reasonable hour so the adults could get in a few sentences HAPPILY! There is just something about company and vacations that=LATE BEDTIMES! It can't be helped, too much fun to be had!

Body painting with wet chalk

And some of the in betweens of our weekend......horsey rides, "NO PUDGE" brownies {get them people...All Natural Fat Free YUMMINESS}, dressing up, silliness, BABY SNUGGLING by my oldest {oohhh she wants a baby sibling}, and sipping on Izzie's

Sooooo needless today I woke up to a pretty quiet house, made only 4 cups of coffee instead of 8 cups, back to reality of laundry & house cleaning, and OOOPS we forgot to eat 3 meals! So dinner was left over brownies, sorbet, and popcorn in our bed watching "Mary Poppins" We miss you already Brown's!
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