Friday, March 16, 2012

Much needed fun day......

I have yet to blog about my sister's delivery & all the happenings of that very scary January 17th evening. I know I will at some point....when the timing feels right. For now I'm relishing in the goodness of her recovery & all the miracles God has performed in my sister & my niece's lives!! On day 9 of Karlie's recovery my uncle {who I've mentioned before....he's more like a dad to me but really he's my cousin but I call him uncle!! are you still with me?!!}, my aunt, & cousin drove 11ish hours from Michigan to come & see Karlie & Mackenzie......and just come to support us however we needed support! They drove ALL that way to be with us less than 36 hours cause they're just awesome like that! My mom & my uncle are super close.....he had every intention of just being a rock for her during their short time in town....whatever she needed he was there. My aunt planned to take the girls & have a fun day to give Kristi & I a break. BUT what I really needed was a day with my full attention on them & only them! I needed to know that my mom had someone to lean on & that I could be hospital free & cell phone free for many many hours. My girls needed it.....I needed it! It had been a very rough 1 1/2 weeks for all of family was in dire need of some mommy/wife time!
What better place to be carefree & kid-like but at the Children's Museum!
We ate up every second of that day......
digging for bones.....
swinging & swinging & swinging....
soaking up the wonders of color......
attempting an intellectual game of chess.....
mimicking bee's.....
racing up winding stair cases.....
pretending to be Asian dancers....
found that inner artist each one of us holds {but do not tap into enough!} & got lost in drawing....
stopped for some cheesing....
then promptly returned to blowing our faces off!!
We literally shut the place down.....we were asked to leave! We were all sad to go....who doesn't love a day devoted to FUN, NO CARES, NO WORRIES, JUST SIMPLE PLAIN FUN! We each have our "thank you's" to give Uncle Rolly & Aunt Nanc....mine is THANK YOU for not being grossed out by our nasty dirty house you had to spend the night in not once but twice....but MORE than that THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for driving 24 hours round trip to give me a FULL DAY of uninterrupted time with my girls {including your daughter & my niece!}! AND thank you for being such a HUGE rock in our lives.....we'll never be able to repay you for that! I LOVE YOU BOTH!


Kristi said...

so awesome. i really like how you worded that first paragraph, and so instinctively knew the best way to send your precious time. x

Kristi said...

spend not