Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ruby Falls Field Trip

Field them! It's the one:one time I get with each of my girls! Those days are limited so I appreciate a good old field trip! The 2nd grade class went to Ruby Falls.....Kayden has never been so it made this day a little more exciting!
{a few of her classmates}
We traveled 1000+ feet underground via elevator....a little unnerving but giddy kids keep things exciting!
Once underground you walk through the cave.....learning about stalagmites & stalactites! They've named some of these formations.....can you spot the "Donkey" above?? Me either! But anyways VERY cool none the less!!
Before you know it you've entered a huge open space where you will see the BREATH TAKING waterfall! They've set it up with various lights going off & if you're not listening to your guide you can find yourself stuck behind the falls in the complete pitch dark!
The kids had a blast.....running in circles around the waterfall....stopping quickly for a photo!
After a quick sack lunch we said good-bye to Ruby & her beautiful waterfall & headed to the Nature Center!
We learned about several birds & saw some included!
FUN DAY! Love these times for I know all too soon field trip are going to be a VERY distant memory!

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