Sunday, July 22, 2012

Siesta Key-part 3

My girls are BIG fans of the movie "Dolphin Tale"'s a true story & we were just a couple hours away from the aquarium where Winter {the dolphin in the movie} lives so we decided to visit him! Seeing Winter was AWESOME! The aquarium itself....not so great for the amount it costs to get in! BUT this is a non-profit aquarium that rescues mammals/fish & Winter has been an inspiration to many kids who have handicaps....that alone was worth the money spent!

 The drive took us across a very long but very cool bridge!
 Meet Winter
 We didn't get to see him swim with his prosthetic fin but it was very cool to see how he has learned to swim without it!
 These 3 even got in a Hurricane simulator which produced much laughter!
 I had wished for pizza on the beach.....watching the sunset but the rain ruined those plans.... on the couch watching a movie took it's place....
 followed by cookies &.....
 Henna tattoo's!
 The next morning we got got packed up as quickly as possible so that we could squeeze in at least a couple more hours at the beach....
soaking in some sun.....
playing in the sand....

relaxing in a kid made sand jacuzzi....
 & making some new friends from Chicago {which made me feel extra close to my roots!}
It was hard to force myself to look at my phone & realize we needed to pack up.....we could live at the beach & never tire of the peacefulness it brings!
Crossing our fingers that we are asked to go again next year but NO PRESSURE Musicks!! Thanks for housing us & introducing us to a beautiful beach! We had a great time!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dance Recital

Our 6th year of dance came to an end June 2nd....I am so VERY proud of Kayden! This is an extra curricular activity that she enjoys & for the most part gives it her all....I've always told the girls when they no longer enjoyed it we could stop which is exactly what happened with Emery! She wanted to try gymnastics this year & it fits her personality much better!
My beautiful, growing up way to fast, girl!
Our entertainment while getting the dancer ready!
For ballet this year they were part of Mulan, they represented the Ancestors
She's become so much more graceful this last year....
Then there is this thing.....she has my heart!! This kid loves life & it shows in everything she does!
For Jazz they did a little Michael Jackson tribute
Her class danced to "Bad"
We are blessed with all our family being in town!
Mommy {wondering how long she'll let me hold her....LOVE!}
Auntie Kristi &Auntie Karlie
She LOVES this part of the night.....getting flowers! Thanks Aumie!
LOVE LOVE LOVE these girls!
It was a great year.....she's already antsy for dance to start!