Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekend with a high school friend!!

One of my high school friends was able to come from Missouri and spend Wednesday thru Saturday with us! We have kept in touch over the years but distance has made it hard to keep in touch as well as we'd like, not to mention we've added husbands and a few kids to the mix! It was as if not a day had passed......even though 14+ years have passed since high school!!!! We had a blast, the kids loved each other instantly! Heather thought she needed to warn me about her kids but I said OH NO I need to WARN YOU about mine! They were no different except I have girls which equals added emotions to EVERYTHING!! Heather got to experience that first hand....I think she's thankful even more for her 2 boys!!! Thursday we went to the mall as Santa was coming to town and we watched a fun parade....I sadly forgot my camera!

Friday we went to the Creative Discovery Museum and the love it!
Here we are on the top of the museum outside!
Kayden and Ashton digging for dinosaur bones
Parker putting his archeology skills to work!
Emery and Parker playing Dr.
The group.... I think Heather got a little shock here from holding her umbrella along with Emery's hand!!
Driving the little red car!
So sweet.....they were chasing each other and giggling so hard!!!
Ashton and Parker holding baby Lauren, they loved her!
Bath time....Emery and Parker
Kayden and Ashton
Silly kids making silly faces
Ashton playing outside
Kayden taking Parker on a Jeep ride
Friends reunited!!!
Twins + a Heather
Taylor and Parker

Kristi and Taylor trying to fit into the wagon!

1 comment:

Charisa said...

Ohhhhh you guys all look great and the kids are so cute!!