It was yet again a great Easter! Not only with remembering what this holiday is all about but being able to be with family. My younger sister, Karlie came in from Knoxville for a long weekend and we had a great visit! I did have to work on Sunday but otherwise we were all off work and able to spend lots of time together. Saturday afternoon/evening we dyed eggs. We actually tried a couple new ways this year.
A bit hard to tell with this picture but my niece is growing up and decided she wanted her hair cut off!!! It's soooo very cute!!
Kristi found a marbleizing kit and it was quite fun to make them!
The other dying method we tried this year was dying naturally!! My mom has been dying eggs using purple and brown onion peels for years (my great grandmother got her started on this tradition). They turn into the coolest brown eggs....not perfect but it makes them all the more unique! Then we used the liquid from cooked purple cabbage and it turned the eggs into this beautiful turquoise color! This is a definite repeat for next year except we will be experimenting with tumeric, beets, dandilions, and more!
Mom made bunny cookies with the girls.....the girls had more fun playing with the dough and flour than decorating the cookies I think!!!

How fun!! And how sweet that Jon took pics for you while you were working! Good hubby. :)
LOVE Taylors hair. And the picture of you & Kayden.
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