Thursday, November 8, 2012

Camp Fig Part 2

You'll see why.....or maybe you know if you've been!! One day on our trip to Missouri was spent in St Louis visiting, in my opinion, 1 of the GREATEST places for both adults & kids alike!! Google'll want to visit! Everything in this museum is recycled.....down to the crafts they let you make!!  So it's a constantly growing museum as they get more stuff! You need two full days to go.....we rushed through some spots & still didn't get to play in the entire place!
 The slides {& there were MANY!}....a little rough on the tushy but laugh inducing none the less!
 Bus hanging securely off the edge of the building....that sounds like an oxymoron!!
 The things to climb were endless......if you're afraid of heights certain spots might be a bit of an issue....I am finding more & more that I am afraid of heights but I try to push myself out of my comfort zone! 
 This was BY FAR the scariest climbed up into the center of this dome! But as you climbed it curved inward......causing your entire body weight to lean on these metal bars! Talk about some faith that the bars would hold you because HELLO grave if they broke!! 
All recycled
 Ferris Wheel on the top of the you come around you feel like your hanging off the side of the building {sadly it was not working the day we visited}!
 Winding staircase..... 
 Some kind of recycled material but looked like oceans of silver
 Another slide.....some were SUPER steep! 
 Another slide: View down!
 Tree House
 .......& another slide!
 Crafting masks & staches
 Pencil Tip
 Bread pans lining the walls
  This place was photo op GALORE!
 More climbing in metal waaaayyyyy up in the air....
 We will be returning next summer.....probably for an overnight trip! It's open late & we decided it would be super fun to climb in the dark!

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