Monday, October 6, 2008

Visit to the TOY store!

I am quite certain this (being our plan which is below) is against anything super nanny would every teach but we tried it as a last resort and it is working perfectly!!!! A few months ago....or 6 we started making Kayden a little bed on our floor and she would sleep there a few nights a week (due screaming everynight at bedtime......saying she was scared of the dark). It then turned into a nightly thing as she would wake up in her bed and come tuck herself in her "pallet" on our floor in the early morning hours! So we finally decided enough was enough and we had to get tough but being tough meant dealing with 30 minutes to 1 hour of screaming which equals cranky parents. So mom thought that maybe we could make her a sleep chart and after earning a certain # of stars (with no problems at bedtime) she could go to a toy store and pick out a toy! The idea was brilliant and from that first night till last night (for this first time she had to earn 15 stars) we have had not a single problem! So tonight was the big night to go and pick out a toy....Emery of course got to pick one out too because she has a bizzillion stars as she is our star sleeper of the house! ( I highly recommend On Becoming Baby Wise to all mom's!) 

On our way to dance Emery wanted to eat an apple and when I turned around she had literally eaten the whole apple.....minus the "corn" (pits)
Kayden showing us her flexibility skills in the car before going inside to dance class
Being silly outside of the toy store!
Showing off her hard earned toy...she chose a watch!

This child is gonna keep us laughing for years to come!!! Emery chose a school bus for her toy and decided it was gonna ride in her leotard!
Silliness on the drive home....

.....and more....

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