I feel blessed for my girls that they have 1 gran, 1 aumie, 1 papa, and 1 mamaw/mamal {and LOTS of memories of an Oma and Papa} HUGELY involved in their lives! Kids need grandparents.......where else do you get run wild and not get in trouble?? Last Sunday was Grandparents Day and so we took Jon's parents out for dinner......I'm not sure we stopped laughing cause they are just fun/funny like that! {rain check with the aumie as she was out of town on buisiness/vacation!}
It's near impossible to get all looking at the camera smiling.....but this is our reality and quite frankly I like these better!

This weekend found our mamaw {Great Grandma} in the ICU VERY SICK. In fact so sick that {when Linda went back down to the ER yesterday evening to tell the nurses thank you and that she was doing better} they told her "we weren't gonna tell you this but we thought your mother was going to die. So very thankful to report today that she is doing a whole lot better. She does have a very low sodium level- 117 {normal is 135-145} and esophogitis {rated from A to D- hers is a D}. So with some antibiotics, fluids stuffed with sodium, LIMITED water intake {the lady LOVES some H2O} she's on the mend! Thanks for the prayers!!! She has a laugh that is CONTAGIOUS and I was not ready to never hear that again!
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