Thursday, November 8, 2012

Camp Fig Part I

This has become a most anticipated summer trip.....Camp Fig! Our trip to Missouri to visit friends who are really just an awesome extension of my family! I love them like sisters! There is no impressing to be done {in fact this is the most we got ready the entire trip}, it's laid back, our kids mix well, we enjoy the same things, oh the endless list that could ensue! Bottom line only rules that apply to this annual trip: come prepared to laugh, loose 10 lbs before arrival because there is much inhaling of YUM food, have a blast, & be prepared to bawl your eyes out when good-byes are said. This trip was extra special in that I had a whole YUMMY week instead instead of just a long weekend due to Kayden being at summer camp in Missouri along with both of their oldest boys.....downfall: my husband & twin couldn't swing a whole week. :( We made an executive decision to continue the fun....for us & them!
We always have one night at Heidi's for dinner
This lucky dude {Parker} was the only boy left behind.....if only he knew how dreamy that is.....right?!
We typically keep the same schedule every year.....squeeze in an early morning run, go to a pool & have slide races, eat, eat, eat, enjoy time TV free-country style,  hit the lake for skiing/tubing/sea-dooing, & much laughing/talking in between!! This year we had a bit more time to squeeze in some extras & so we did just that!! 

There was still a run involved....typically we go sans kids but this year everyone was capable of riding their bikes & keeping up.....err passing their moms & having to wait multiple times for them to catch up!
 We were sweltering when we finished & these sprinklers we screaming our names.....
 Are we the coolest moms ever?!! 
 Naked feet sloshing around in cushy grass just needed to be photographed
Water slide at home.....don't worry there was some adult action included.....& maybe some scrapes & bruises were know cause it's not fun unless you race!!
I have a LOVE for what better than suckers!
See.....lots of YUMMO food! Lettuce wraps!
They have chickens.....I come home every year PUMPED to build our own coop.....not allowed in this neighborhood!
Emery is especially fond of visiting the ladies multiple times a day to see what they have left behind!
Mid laying.....sorry lady for invading your personal space!
More food.....I know you're not surprised!
We decided to get Pinteresty this year! Heather had the perfect tools to get our crafty minds going! She had some old frames that had this mesh covering----thrown out by her church & she knew they could be used for something!
Mesh removed, dusted, primed, & spray painted......
Let the fun begin of "distressing" & glazing!
LOVED the end results! Each to be used in different ways!
While the momma's crafted the babies roamed.....worry free cause that a perk of country living yes?!!
{bug collecting}
Of course we couldn't visit & not hit the pool......quite possibly was THE hottest day so it turned out perfect.....even if we all left burnt!

Our last night there the kids spotted a little snake.....& let me tell you they were THRILLED!!
Thank goodness one daddy was in town so he bravely caught it.......
& deemed it safe enough to hold!
There is much peace in many aspects of being taken the morning we left!
You'd think at this point we'd just move closer together but alas stupid jobs keep up grounded....9 hours apart! It makes our visits all the more special! Love you girls & can't wait till next time!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

:( Why can't we live closer?! Although then we wouldn't get these fun getaways. That was ONE FUN WEEK! Blessed to call you a friend. Love & hugs.
btw- how lucky was parker parks?!!?!