Mother's Day this year was bitter sweet.....I woke up feeling very sad and it took me several hours to figure out why.....I miss my grandma terribly. I had many wonderful years with her but ooooo the pain of not having's aches beyond words. I, of course, am VERY thankful to be a mother to Kayden Helena & Emery Grae and so thankful to be able to love them, laugh with AND at them, have fun with them, and provide for their many different needs...I can ONLY pray that God is proud of me and that I raise them to serve him. There are many kids who didn't have a mother to celebrate and many mothers who didn't have their kids to be celebrated by so I KNOW that I have MUCH to be thankful for. Once I was able to physically be with my mom I had a little crying breakdown and then we had a very WONDERFUL and relaxed afternoon!!! I also am SOOOO thankful for my mom who has always gone above and beyond....she has been the mom AND dad in our lives. I LOVE YOU and NOTHING you do goes unnoticed!!! I also am thankful for Jon's mom who has taken me in like her own daughter and adores my kids which is ALOT to be thankful for!!!
We started Sunday morning with brunch at Jon's parents house....yummy food and we were able to eat outside with a nice gentle breeze blowing while we visited!
Jon, his mom, and brother

We then went on to my mom's house where the kids played in and outside and we were able to have a nice afternoon of visiting and eating mom's food which is ALWAYS a treat!!!
My M-O-M!!

My sweet can NEVER imagine life with kids and now I can't remember life before them! I attempt each day to cherish the times with them and try to forget about keeping everything in my house "just so"!!! My mother can attest to the fact that I have done much better with this!!

Lauren Elisabeth and Emery LOVING on her!

Taylor trying to teach Jon a song!!!
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