After a few quiet hours at our own home Christmas morning we headed over to the In-Laws!
We drove through a winter wonderland.....literally oooooing and awwwwing at the beautiful white fluffy stuff that had dumped on us!

Hughes offspring....sometimes it's just not possible for everyone to smile AND look at the camera at the same time!
Brax got the best gift of all.....his own jumpy donkey!
The original Hughes 4!
Over lunch we had a perfect view that we could not WAIT to get out in
These girls are like dogs.....let them loose in snow and all they want to do is eat it and lay in it!

We bundled up, really, we each have like 4 or 5 layers on & we were ready for a fun afternoon!
Some of us weren't as prepared & had to borrow gear from the older folks & froze their backsides off but had fun none the less!

We found a perfect kid size hill and sledded forwards and backwards and sideways and double and triple and single and standing and on knees and on bikes and on feet and side by side......well I guess you could say we had some fun!

And since we were in a meadow of sorts, we found it only appropriate to build one while singing "In the meadow we can build a snowman......" kinda in a joking way but it's really what we were doing!

He's perfect right?!!
Well we love him anyways
After coming in to warm up I realized that work had called and needed me to come as sad as I was to leave my family and the fun we were having I was thankful for the time I did have at home! When I arrived at work someone was transferred in from an outlying hospital, in full blown labor, too early to save her baby, on Christmas Day. They had tried so hard to get pregnant but couldn't, started and almost finished with the adoption process, found out they were pregnant, cancelled the adoption, and now lost their baby, on Christmas Day. I don't know why things happen when they do, why they do, or how they do. But I was soooo quickly reminded of what I have to be thankful for, even 4 hours at work......
Jon and the girls picked me up from work and we ended the night at my sisters house......having hula hooping contests, snuggling, eating, talking, and LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY! I told you we really had a perfect weekend!
We arrived home to this, not sure I can let the magic of Christmas go this year.....I'm sad about it, thankfully we don't take decorations down till New Years I can relish in it for a few more days!
Hope your day was merry and bright!
I FELT THE SAME EXACT WAY!! Besides not having my sister home for Christmas it was THE MOST PERFECT DAY/WEEKEND!! A perfect white, snowy, cold Christmas! We have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for that reminder. I will pray for that family. How tragic.
First, i would like to ask Santa for a cardigan just like Em's!!! I LOVE......
that story of at know my heart on this one. wow. much to be thankful for indeed. i am going to keep that family in my prayers. i cannot imagine. just can't.
love you you so much!
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