I was in a rhythm....a cleaning rhythm. A rhythm that my basement so desperately needed to feel. It was coming together well and I was just starting to wrap things up {in the basement that is NOT the upstairs} when Jon reminded me that we had promised each other a hike with the girls!
So as promised I abandoned this......

And we set out for a hike which really didn't start off as planned because the youngest was extremely grumpy and her dad was extremely not in the mood to hear her grumpiness. We almost went home. But sometimes a mom knows just the things to say & do!

We followed these various color {a little Christmasy, appropriate way to end our holiday!} on a 2 1/2 hour adventure!

Of course with stops along with way

Once in a while I like to find a theme while we're out on a hike......it's a good way to get the girls' mind off all the leg work they are doing and fun in the end to see our pattern!
Today was hearts.......so cool to be reminded over & over & over of God's love.....literally!

We saw signs of animal life

And just really WOW kinda things.....NATURE I tell you NATURE....it takes my breath away!

This one's imagination was in over-drive and I LOVED it!
1. Sling shot 2. Torch.....may be a future Olympic torch runner!

And this little lady's momma was beaming ear to ear cause before we knew it she was smiling & laughing & talking funny stuff! A little time outdoors will do that!

Our Christmas vacation is coming to an end......I'm a LOT sad & a little happy......the only happy part to all this goodness ending is that we will start back into our routine & routine is good once in a while!
OK, so you have completely inspired me go just get outside and not worry so much. We WILL be hiking tomorrow afternoon no matter what! Thanks so much!
feeling so similar.
ps. i am always searching for heart shapes in nature without any luck. i am totally impressed by your collection.
I would love to pick your brain. you always seem to be doing such fun things around here. My boys would LOVE a hike like this! Where do you go? I love how you put family time before cleaning:) We will never regret the time spent with our that way. Thanks for the reminder! Happy 2011!
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