A couple Friday's ago was "Grandparent's Day" at Kayden's school. A day to show off things they've been working on so far this school year.......
like violin,
new songs,

and art work that fills up the classroom!
They were able to eat lunch together and meet her teacher
and just spend a few hours getting oooooo'd
and ooooohhhh'd over! That's what Grandparents are best at right?!
The girls are VERY blessed with to have 2 grandmother's, 1 grandfather, and 1 great grandmother still active and present in their everyday lives! That's a LOT to smile about and we LOVE them SOOOOO!!
{just a funny little shot}
is that her school uniform...so cute?
it is! it takes the thinking out of early morning dressing and i LOVE it!! she's added the tie to give it her "fashion" as she likes to call it!!
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